FAA to Fund Airport Development Projects Throughout the US

While the exact number fluctuates, there are currently roughly 15,000 active airports throughout the United States — a number that doesn’t account for the countless unpaved runways. As more and more people fly, either for business or leisure, the country … Read More

Boeing Chimes In On Single-Pilot Planes

Although there’s a shortage of pilots in the commercial airline industry, you’ll probably discover that most flights have at least two people in the cockpit. There’s the pilot, and there’s also the copilot. As explained by The Denver Post, U.S. … Read More

FAA Warns Against Operating Drones Over Wildfires

The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is warning drone operators not to fly their drones over wildfires. While more prominent in southern states, wildfires cause massive destruction to forests, communities and cities. Last year, wildfires in the United States burned … Read More

Why Do Airplanes Travel in an Arc?

The next time you fly, whether domestic or international, take a look a look at the flight map. You may discover that your flight’s trajectory isn’t a straight line. Rather, it’s an arc that either angles up (North) or down … Read More

Boeing and SpaceX Aim for Commercial Space Travel

You may soon be able to take a trip into space. Earlier this month, NASA announced the nine selected astronauts who will participate in the space agency’s upcoming test flights. The flights will include the Crew Dragon capsule developed by … Read More

Solar-Powered Airbus Drone Sets New Record

A solar-powered drone developed by Airbus has set a new world record for the longest nonstop flight. Beginning on July 11, the Airbus Zephyr flew for a staggering 25 days over the Arizona desert. The fact that any aircraft can … Read More

Boeing Announces 2019 Date for Passenger Spacecraft

It appears that Boeing won’t launch its new passenger spacecraft until next year. While Boeing had originally planned to test the Starliner later this year, the aerospace manufacturing giant now says the test flight will occur in 2019. Starliner, of … Read More

6 Fast Facts About the Airbus A380

The Airbus A380 has become one of the most talked-about jets in the commercial airline industry. The massive double-deck jet has only been available for a few years. In that time, however, it’s attracted orders from several major airlines, including … Read More

Sun-Bound NASA Probe to Launch on August 11

NASA is planning to launch a new probe on August 11, 2018. In the past, most of the space agency’s probes have headed to nearby planets, such as Mars. This probe, however, is going somewhere different: the sun. Dubbed the … Read More