We typically ship orders either by UPS or FedEx. Next Day Air Delivery is available at an additional cost. Every effort is made to ship your entire order to you on the day it was ordered. When an order is received after 12:00 PM EST, it is not always possible to ship the entire order that day. In some cases, we will ship whatever we have completed to you on one day, and the balance the next business day. In doing so, you receive product as soon as possible.

Where does my order ship from?
Monroe Aerospace operates a Distribution Center in Melbourne, Florida. Your order will ship from the Distribution Center closest to you unless we are out-of-stock of that item(s). If we are, we will send them from the other distribution center. Note: we carry the most common items in both locations to offer you the most timely delivery.
When can I expect to receive my order?Most of the country will receive their order in 2-3 Day via UPS or FedEx Delivery.
Do I pay for shipping?Orders of $150 or more ordered at one time, in continental US, under 40 pounds and shipped to a single location will be shipped free. If your order is below $150, the shipping cost will be added to your invoice.
What happens when an item is out of stock?We are a stocking distributor and maintain an extensive amount of inventory. We have an order fill rate close to 100%. In the case we do not have a sku in stock we will contact you.
What happens if there is a mistake on my order?While we maintain a high level of accuracy, mistakes will occur from time to time. Simply contact us and inform us of the error. We will either issue a credit memo or make other arrangements.