When shopping for washers, you may come across split lock washers. They are used to distribute the load of a threaded fastener — just like all washers. With their split design, however, split lock washers also protect the threaded fasteners with which they are used from loosening. What are split lock washers, and why should you choose them over traditional washers?
Overview of Split Lock Washers
Split lock washers are locking-style washers that feature a broken helical shape. As shown in the photo above, they have a small gap along their circumference. This gap or opening allows them to compress when used in conjunction with a threaded fastener. There are other types of locking-style washers, but only split lock washers have a broken helical shape.
Getting Started With Split Lock Washers
If you’ve used a traditional washer in the past, you won’t have any problems using split lock washers. They are both placed around a threaded fastener, such as a bolt. Just drive through the bolt through the split lock washer and into the underlying parts.
As the bolt’s head presses against the split lock washer, the split lock washer will flatten. Split lock washers, of course, aren’t flat by default; their broken helical shape results in a raised, non-uniform shape. Therefore, split lock washers will exert a spring-like force when flattened.
Reasons to Use Split Lock Washers
For many fastening applications, traditional washers will suffice. Traditional washers will distribute the load of a threaded fastener while subsequently protecting the parts with which they are used from stress-related damage. For fastening applications in which vibrations are a concern, however, you may want to use split lock washers.
Split lock washers won’t prevent vibrations from occurring, but they can prevent those vibrations from loosening threaded fasteners. Normally, vibrations can cause threaded fasteners to loosen by working their way out of the threaded holes in which they are placed. A split lock washer, though, can prevent this from happening. Once the split lock washer has been flattened, it will exert a spring-like force that holds the threaded fastener in place.
Split lock washers also minimize maintenance requirements for threaded fasteners. You won’t have to retighten a threaded fastener as much if it’s used in conjunction with a split lock washer. The split lock washer’s spring-like force will ensure the threaded fastener is properly tightened.