Rivets are commonly used in the aerospace manufacturing industry. Consisting of a mandrel and head, they are permanent fasteners that protect against vibration-related loosening. While you can install some types of rivets using a hammer, others require a special tool known as a rivet gun. Here are five common types of rivet guns.
#1) Slow-Hitting Rivet Gun
A slow-hitting rivet gun is a type of rivet gun that performs multiple strikes at a relatively slow rate. Like most rivet guns, slow-hitting rivet guns strike the head of a rivet. When struck, the rivet will be driven into the hole. At the same time, the tail end of the rivet will become compressed, thereby securing the rivet in place. Slow-hitting rivet guns simply perform fewer blows per minute (BPM) than other types of rivet guns.
#2) Fast-Hitting Rivet Gun
In addition to slow-hitting rivet guns, there are fast-hitting rivet guns. Fast-hitting rivet guns receive their namesake from their fast BPM. They look and function like their slow-hitting counterpart. The difference lies in their speed. Fast-hitting rivet guns can often perform twice as many BPM as slow-hitting rivet guns.
#3) Squeeze Rivet Gun
When researching rivet guns, you may come across squeeze rivet guns. They are characterized by the use of pressurized air to “squeeze” the rivet. Squeeze rivet guns still have a trigger. Pressing the trigger will release pressurized air from the sides of the rivet, thereby driving the rivet into the hole.
#4) Corner Rivet Gun
If you’re planning to install a rivet in a corner or other hard-to-reach space, you may want to use a corner rivet gun. Corner rivet guns feature a short-barreled driver. With this short-barreled driver, you can use them in corners and similar hard-to-reach spaces where other types of rivet guns won’t work.
#5) Pop Rivet Gun
Another common type of rivet gun is a pop rivet gun. Pioneered in the early 20th century by Hamilton Wylie, pop rivet guns are designed for use with pop rivets. They don’t strike the rivet’s head. Instead, pop rivet guns work by compressing a sleeve so that a second head forms on the tail end of the rivet.
In Conclusion
Rivet guns are tools used to install rivets. Some of the most common types of rivet guns include slow-hitting, fast-hitting. squeeze, corner and pop. They are all used to install rivets, but each type features a different design and method of operation.